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All Questions About Ketosis, Answered

Posted by Katie Spaller on

For the past few years, the keto diet has seen a surge in popularity. With information and misinformation abound, dieticians, doctors, personal trainers, professional athletes, and everyday practitioners want to weigh in at every angle on the diet’s perks, drawbacks, and overall effectiveness. One thing that most can agree on is that ketosis—a metabolic state achieved through rigorous keto dieting and intermittent fasting—comes with an array of long-term benefits. But what exactly are those health benefits, and why are they so important? Are there ways to induce ketosis that don’t rely on the ketogenic diet? 


Here at Kenetik, we’ve collected the most common inquiries about the ketosis state and answered them all, so those of you taking your first steps into the world of keto have all the information you need right at your fingertips.


What is the difference between ketones, ketosis, and ketogenesis? 


The definition of ketosis encompasses the bodily state of having elevated ketone levels, whereas ketogenesis refers to the biochemical process of creating ketones. Ketones themselves are the energy source created in the liver from excess fat.


So why and how does one’s body go into ketosis? What triggers the ketogenic process? As a baseline, the human body defaults to using carbohydrates as energy. These days, carbohydrates are plentiful, even excessive—but this wasn’t always the case. Our human ancestors adapted to food scarcity by harnessing the power of ketosis and the ketogenic process. Ketosis is a metabolic state that allows the body to use stored fat as energy. During ketogenesis, free fatty acids are sent to the liver and transformed into ketones, a powerful energy source for your brain and body. 


Is ketosis safe?


Yes. Ketosis is an adaptational metabolic state that occurs when the body is low on carbs and is another way to produce energy—it’s completely natural. Most people can safely induce and sustain this state with few to no drawbacks. In fact, many people choose to adhere closely to the high-fat diet because they find the resulting mental and physical benefits of ketosis to be well worth the dietary restrictions. However, everyone is different; discussing any major dietary changes beforehand with your doctor or nutritionist is always best, especially if you suffer from heart health conditions. 


Those who are new to the keto diet and ketosis may experience some short-term discomfort as the body adapts to using fat as fuel. This discomfort most commonly manifests as nausea, headaches, cramps, and mild muscle pains. This is normal and part of your body's learning process to switch from burning carbs to burning fat. There’s even a nickname for it—the keto flu. Luckily, the keto flu rarely lasts longer than two weeks, which is roughly the time it takes for the average human body to shift from carb-burning to ketogenesis.


What does ketosis feel like?


Because all bodies function a little differently, ketosis will feel different for everyone. Fortunately, many people report having greater energy levels, less brain fog, and a greater ability to focus. Physically, many people experience a reduction in hunger, cravings, joint pain, and levels of inflammation.  


What are the health benefits of ketosis?


The health benefits of ketosis are well-documented and can include:


  • Weight loss:


  •  Ketosis burns excess fat and facilitates a more active lifestyle, which helps with weight management.


  • Increased energy and athletic performance:


  • Ketones can provide a serious boost to a person’s athletic performance and accelerate workout recovery.


  • Decreased inflammation:


  • Ketones are shown to have long-term anti-inflammatory properties and activate natural antioxidant pathways in the body.


  • Lowered risk or reduced symptoms of chronic conditions:


  • Such as joint pain, epilepsy, inflammation, and neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s 


  • Reduced brain fog, increased focus and mental clarity:


  • Ketones reduce oxidative stress on brain tissue and have well-documented neuroprotective benefits


How can I enter ketosis?


The only way to induce ketosis for a long time was through strict adherence to the ketogenic diet and corresponding lifestyle changes. While there are several variations, at its core, the keto diet is a low-carb, medium-protein, high-fat diet. 


Intermittent fasting is a common adjunct to the keto diet, meant to replicate the state of food scarcity endured by human ancestors. The effects of intermittent fasting complement the benefits of ketosis and can include reduced inflammation, reduced insulin levels, general improvement in cognitive performance and memory recall, and improved heart health. 


Thanks to technological innovation, exogenous ketones are a readily available alternative to people who find it difficult or impossible to adhere to a keto diet. Exogenous—externally sourced—ketones offer you all the benefits of the ketosis state without hassle or negative side effects. Kenetik’s exogenous ketone beverage is made from a proprietary blend of plant-based ketones that replicate the effects of natural ketosis and endogenous—internally sourced—ketones. Kenetik is free of added sugars and caffeine and is the only ketone drink approved by the American Brain Council. It’s fasting, keto-friendly, and gluten, dairy, and soy-free, making it perfect for those with dietary restrictions. 


Exogenous ketone drinks can be a huge boon to those making their first foray into the keto diet or needing a little extra support during intermittent fasting. Luckily, you don’t need to be dieting in order to reap the health benefits of exogenous ketones; Kenetik is ideal for those who simply want the energy boost and myriad health benefits provided by ketones without committing to considerable lifestyle shifts. So whether you’re an experienced keto dieter or just casually curious, pick up a bottle of Kenetik today and feel the difference for yourself.

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