The American Brain Council Approves Kenetik

The American Brain Council Approves Kenetik

Posted by Katie Spaller on

With so many new ketone products on the market, many people wonder whether or not exogenous ketones are safe. In 2021, The American Brain Council selected Kenetik as its preferred ketone drink. This stamp of approval came after the completion of a market study comparing Kenetik against all other available ketone products, including ketone esters, ketone salts and MCT oils. 


The below review was written by American Brain Council Chairman, David R. Larsen:


One of the most significant discoveries in the field of brain health and medicine in the past decade has been the rediscovery of the value of intermittent fasting and ketone bodies, particularly beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), as cellular energy sources, and as support in maintaining the health of the brain.

We use the term “rediscovery,” since historical records show that before humans even knew what their brain was for, they knew the value of fasting and what we now call ketosis, in maintaining the health of their body and the clarity of their mind (or heart, which anciently was believed to be the source of their thoughts).
More recent research has shown however, that not only  are exogenous ketones safe, but ketones and ketosis produce an alternative more efficient, even preferred fuel for our cells. They can even facilitate the creation (biogenesis) of new mitochondria organelles (1), the actual generators of energy in our cells. AND they can increase the production of BDNF (Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor) (2), described by some researchers as “miracle grow” for the brain. BDNF helps both with the survival and the development of neurons. Additionally, these ketones play a role in
the creation of synapses, for better communication between neurons.

So, ketones are not just a safe preferred fuel for our tiny cellular engines; they appear to play a role in rebuilding more of these generators in our cells for a quantum and enduring leap in energy production. Moreover, these flexible little organelles can generate energy from a variety of sources - sugars, carbs, proteins, glycogen, cellular debris, and a variety of fatty acids - as well as ketones.
Ketosis-evoked neuroprotective effects may even lead to delays in both aging and the development of related diseases “through improving mitochondrial function, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, histone and non-histone acetylation, β-hydroxybutyrylation of histones, modulation of neurotransmitter systems and RNA functions.” (3)

Moreover, the “administration of exogenous ketogenic supplements [has
been] proven to be an effective method to induce and maintain a healthy state
of nutritional ketosis. [Without fasting or adherence to a ketogenic diet.] Consequently, exogenous ketogenic supplements, such as ketone salts and ketone esters, may mitigate aging processes, delay the onset of age-associated diseases and extend lifespan through ketosis.” (3)

This is great news for anyone with an aging declining brain, which is typically starving for energy. And it’s especially good news for anyone who knows the value of ketosis but has had difficulty achieving that state. This energy deficit is now believed to be a major contributor to Alzheimer’s (perhaps even more than amyloid plaque, which pharmaceutical companies have spent billions trying to remove). It’s also a major contributor to other age- related disorders like diabetes, metabolic syndrome, hypertension, Crohn’s, Parkinson’s, ALS and MS, as well as anxiety and depression. (It’s interesting to note, animal studies have found that following a ketogenic diet can increase circulating levels of GABA, the primary neurotransmitter needed to reduce anxiety and potentially some forms of depression.)

For these and other reasons, the American Brain Council recently undertook an
investigational study to determine the best products currently available for promoting ketosis. After reviewing the recommendations of some of the top experts in Brain Health (like Dale Bredesen, MD from UCLA, who recently reversed cognitive decline in 9 of 10 advanced Alzheimer’s patients, and a major advocate of ketosis(4)), reviewing comparison studies on more than a dozen of the best products in this category, and conducting our own in-house comparison trial with 20 seniors, ages 57 to 90, we have chosen to endorse Kenetik, as our “Preferred Product” in this category. This designation was based on the following.

Vita Nav Inc. has developed a unique patented formulation called Kenetik, that our investigation found outperformed the competition in a number of key areas.

1. It tastes better than their closest competition. If people don’t like the taste most are not likely to buy and use it as needed. And the sweeteners used are among the best from natural sources that, unlike most sweeteners, do not adversely affect the brain.

2. Was more cost effective. Costs less for 10 g of the active ingredient. Gave better bang for the bucks.

3. Was easier and more convenient to use. No diluting, mixing, measuring needed. It’s ready to use in its current bottle.

4. Was as or more effective at boosting Ketone levels. When comparing apples
to apples, i.e. similar grams of the active ingredient, Kenetik was generally
found in our senior sample to be as good as or better than their strongest (ester, or salt) competition. It boosted ketone levels more than twice as high as the powders or MCT oils tested.

5. Some of the other products required some time to get used to, i.e., one needs to take a lesser dose and gradually move to the therapeutic dose or unpleasant intestinal discomfort or diarrhea may ensue. None of our study participants reported such issues with Kenetik. Some formulas may contain unhealthy levels of salt, if taken at therapeutic doses over time, Kenetik does not.

6. Their company advisors are among the top experts and innovators nationally in this field, and they have developed a unique, extraordinarily effective product from natural renewable sources. Moreover, they are in the process of making this product even more cost effective, with various flavors.

These features are particularly important to our target population, consisting primarily of seniors and their adult children concerned about deteriorating mental as well as physical health and energy levels. But this is also important for those concerned about their pocket book in these inflationary times, as well as product taste.

Therefore, for these and other reasons we have chosen to endorse this product as a significant contributor to brain health, in this exciting new field, and would encourage all readers to consider adding this to their daily regimen, to promote the benefits of achieving and maintaining a state of ketosis. And we would invite your feedback on your experience with this and related products in this field. 


1. Paoli A, Bianco A, Damiani E, Bosco G. Ketogenic diet in neuromuscular and
neurodegenerative diseases. Biomed Res Int. 2014;2014:474296. doi:
10.1155/2014/474296. Epub 2014 Jul 3. PMID: 25101284; PMCID: PMC4101992.

2. Sleiman SF, Henry J, Al-Haddad R, et al. Exercise promotes the expression of brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) through the action of the ketone body β-hydroxybutyrate. Elife. 2016;5:e15092. Published 2016 Jun 2. doi:10.7554/eLife.15092.

3. Kovács Z, Brunner B, Ari C. Beneficial Effects of Exogenous Ketogenic
Supplements on Aging Processes and Age-Related Neurodegenerative Diseases. Nutrients. 2021 Jun 26;13(7):2197. doi: 10.3390/nu13072197. PMID: 34206738; PMCID: PMC8308443.


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